CREATIVITY, a great quote by CYNTHIA HEIMAL.....I keep going back to this...

'No matter how weird and depraved and bonkers we are , the guy next to us is just as strange. It's the forbidden lusts in our souls that binds us together.
There is only one way to be creative, and that is to have the courage to examine all our inner ripples and horrors and jokes and transform them into art. The hell with what the other guy thinks. The hell with the faceless populace, they can take care of themselves ! The odder and more personal we get, the more everyone identifies.
It's magic.
You want to create , go out on a limb. Don't listen to anybody, don't copy anything. Go after that twisted deranged core of your being, wrench it out into the light, and you will make one million dollars !'
Well that's a quote I like, life is a series of 'giving yourself permissions' especially if you are gay or a so called 'minority'( in number only ). I will expand on that in another post.
My painting called 'STUCK' accompanies this post, it's a bold image that just kept coming into my head when I was really stuck, deciding where to live and what to do . I'm not stuck right now .